We are so grateful for your support, it is a privilege and joy to give you an update. Month after month, you pray for our work and you give financial support from the distance of your home. With such faith and trust, you have confidence that we are making a positive difference. You don’t know, but you believe.
Sometimes we do not know either. We meet with clients and when they leave our office, we don’t know if they will choose life for their babies. Sometimes we talk with a woman about relationship choices and living a moral life – we don’t know if she will take the message to heart when she leaves. When we pray for a client who is carrying the weight of abortion – we don’t know if the fruit of our prayers will be conversion.
We do know we have a very good God. In His love for us, He provides tangible reminders that it is a good thing for this ministry to exist; that this pro-life clinic is doing good work.
This newsletter is an opportunity to extend the same grace of knowing to you. May this newsletter, a glimpse of the hopeful and life-affirming developments at Options for Women / River Falls, be a reminder that you are part of something good. Thank you.
Forever His,
Marie Regnier
Executive Director