Join Others in Prayer for Life!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The need for prayer for our country and world is greater than ever. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a power form of prayer and will be in Church Tuesdays unless a funeral or another church event needs to be scheduled. If that occurs, Adoration will be moved to the chapel until the church is available. The sign-up will be located near the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Each hour has a suggested dedicated prayer intention as well of your own intentions.
9 a.m. Peace in world and end to violence
10 a.m. End to racism and hate groups
11 a.m. Law enforcement and those in the service to our country
12 p.m. Teachers and school administrators
1 p.m. Health care workers
2 p.m. Youth and all students
3 p.m. Pro Life from conception to natural death
4 p.m. Mental Health needs
5 p.m. End to hunger and access to safe drinking water
Feel free to come anytime even if you do not sign up to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament.