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The Body of Christ is Stronger Together

Options for Women /River Falls would like to recognize our incredible church partners, who provide support to this ministry. These churches have come alongside Options for Women / River Falls in many ways over the years, including our Baby Bottle Fundraiser.

This church event is a great outreach opportunity to share what our clinic does and reach potential clients and/or volunteers, as well as inspire church members for the cause of LIFE! Here are the church partners who have hosted an event with our ministry or booked one so far this year:

Faith Community Church First Covenant Church St. Bridget’s / Immaculate Conception

Baldwin Christian Reformed Church Journey Church Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Hill City Church Luther Memorial The River Church Servant of the Shepherd Newman Center

Sacred Heart Community Bible Church New Life in Christ Valley Baptist St. Francis of Assisi

Thank you for donations, volunteering, and all of the multitudes of ways you have assisted our ministry and helped our growing clinic! Your generosity enables us to provide young families with the support and resources they so desperately need. We are so grateful to walk alongside you as we seek to build the Kingdom of God.

If you think your church would be interested in a partnership with our pregnancy resource ministry, please contact the Executive Director, Marie at 715-425-8539 or director@optionsforwomenrf.com.