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Options for Women/River Falls Goes Virtual!

OFW Goes Virtual

With Covid first looming on the horizon in the Winter of 2020, staff at the clinic prepared to offer clients virtual consultations for a time. These consultations were accompanied by offers of take-home pregnancy tests, baby supplies care packages, etc.


Fast-forward to today, and we have found that virtual visits continue to be extremely helpful! Offering clients the opportunity to meet virtually has enabled us to expand our impact! We currently have a client on the east coast who is participating in the Someone Beautiful program by virtual visit. One of our clients was living in a homeless shelter and was still able to be served virtually, despite the fact that lack of transportation stopped her from visiting the clinic in person. Another exciting door opened when we received the invitation to serve inmates in the Pierce County Jail by virtual visits with parenting education and the Someone Beautiful program.

So, yes, there are some bright sides to Covid – Options for Women/River Falls developed the infrastructure to serve more clients in more areas, bringing positive growth opportunities to their lives!