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Campus Life

Options for Women/River Falls continues to be represented by staff and volunteers on the University of Wisconsin River Falls campus, with our tabling events. They are promoting our free and confidential services available to all students. We have introduced a student newsletter with articles and information directed to the students and their interests. Included are all the social media handles that further inform them of our services. 

A Clinic, Lifeline & Ministry. Your Donation Saves Lives.

Options for Women River Falls provides professional pregnancy and sexual health-related medical services to women and men, all free of charge. Because of our professional no-cost medical services, Options serves as a powerful, life-affirming choice for women and men.

As a Christian ministry, we strive to witness God’s love to each and every visitor who walks through the door. Even when there is no direct opening for outward ministry, we always pray for our clients, bringing them the love they need, asking Him to be present in their lives. Options for Women River Falls is a ministry of God’s presence, bringing His love in real ways to those we serve.

Contact us: 715-425-8539

Tour the clinic: 214 N. Main Street, River Falls, WI 54022

Donate: https://friendsofoptionsrf.com/year-end-gift/

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube! Help grow our wonderful community.